
Frank Hayes


Frank Hayes

Frank Hayes Performed a Miracle!

This was my fathers trunk, sat in the garage for 54 years that I can vouch for, not sure how many before. So, I tried to make it look cleaned up but not redone as you can see.
We are extremely pleased with how it turned out, couldn’t have done it without your expert advice, beautiful leather pieces, nails and once again, your expert advice!
I would like to say for any other novices that want to take a project on like this- no matter how many nails you think you need, you will need more!

It does cause a break in the momentum waiting for them to arrive. However, it does give one time to reflect and reconsider ‘hmmmm, maybe I should ???’.

That’s what I did, and I love the result! Thanks again, hope to find a trunk in the neighborhood that wants to follow me home!

Frank Hayes, Grass Valley, CA