
Joe Mihm


Joe Mihm

To all you good folks at Brettuns Village, Thanks to your help and wonderful website, I finally refinished my first trunk (first photo, above). It belonged to my great-grandfather and got passed down through the years. I took the “before’ pictures a little late
(after I started tearing it down), but overall I was very pleased with the final outcome (even though I broke a cardinal rule and painted the metal!!). I hope this one is good enough to make your “Customer’s Gallery”. Thanks again for all the help,

Joe Mihm
North Branch, Michigan

Well, you’ve got me good and hooked now, a hopeless basket case. I just finished my second trunk (my first is on your Customer’s Gallery, and I have four more in the wings).
I bought this one off of George McConnell, whose name I discovered from your website- he is only about an hour away from me here in Michigan. I attached some before and after pictures.

All hardware was purchased through Brettun’s village (advice was free!). You’re website should come with a warning- “this hobby can be hopelessly addicting, and involves vast amounts of hard, dirty, detail work.

Enter into it at your own risk!” Once again, thanks for the advice.

Joe Mihm
North Branch, Michigan