
Leather Chess Board


Leather Chess Board

A Leather Chess Board from Lauren T

Wow! What a great idea – a leather chess board! Lauren Tenney made this work of art.

Churchill,as promised, here are the photos of the completed chess set. Thank-you for your incredible help in making this project possible. I made the playing pieces from ceramic clay – the kind you would use to make bowls and such, and sculpted each of them by hand, using my best of each type as the model. I then sanded them, fired them in a kiln, then glazed them (the white pieces are only glazed with clear as the clay is so white) and then fired them again. then I put the little sticky felt bottoms on using self-adhesive felt. The board is cherry and I had the pieces cut for me by a woodworker I know, and then I built and finished it.

I figured out that the total time spent on all aspects of the project – especially the pieces – was around 50 hours!! very worth it. I will be telling everyone crafty that I know about your site. thanks again, Lauren